I'm in the home stretch now. New baby could be here in 1-4 weeks. I guess I will need a new name to call Baby here as it could get confusing.
I have 2 days of work left as well. Everything is suddenly changing so very quickly. I'm nervous about this birth, more nervous than I was the first time around. I don't seem to have the confidence that I had with Baby's birth. Maybe I know too much this time. Too much of the negative stuff that is. The stuff that you read about that sounds unthinkable and takes your breath away if you sit and think about it too long.
This baby is measuring huge. Baby was big (9 1/2lbs) but I think this one may be even bigger. Yowza. My midwife suggested today that we get ready for sooner rather than later. Emotionally that sounds harder than the logistical stuff. We are mostly ready at home...except for moving some more furniture to the new house asap. We have baby clothes washed and put away, cloth diapers still need to be washed, car seat is ready to be installed and we have a couple of carriers. Other than pick up some lanolin I feel ready as far as "stuff." Physically I'm feeling good. The heat has been challenging and my ankles/feet are swollen all day long now. I'm getting more and more tired each day. And I'm pretty huge - measuring 40 weeks in fact. But, as I said, I feel good for the most part. Now I just need to wrap my head around the idea that we're actually going to have another child.....soon!