Following up on my post way back in March "Sleep Part 1" I thought I'd share an update on how our sleeping arrangements are going. Sleep still seems to be one of the most popular topics when discussing babies. When people ask me if baby sleeps well I can honestly say yes. At night anyway (naps are a whole other story for another day). I wake up feeling refreshed and well rested 95% of the time. I'd say I get at least 8-11 hours a night. That's not uninterrupted sleep however. Baby still nurses at least 3 times a night, sometimes even more. Most of the time I don't even fully wake up during these times. I roll over, she nurses, and we both fall back asleep. Baby is still sleeping with us. She is still between us but no longer in the sleep nest she used to be in. We do have a rolled up wool blanket under the sheets between Baby and S just in case Baby rolls too close. I doubt she would but with me still being a nervous mom I feel more comfort knowing she can't roll anywhere but towards me. One new thing is how much of a bed hog she is! Wow. She ends up sleeping almost horizontally across the mattress while I'm almost falling out of bed. Little worm :)
I sometimes find myself questioning my sleeping habits when I talk to others or read experiences online. Everyone seems to be begging for solutions that will get their baby to sleep for longer stretches. I can totally understand the negative effects of sleep deprivation and I don't know what I'd be like if I had to get up every hour, pick up a crying baby, nurse them, try and get them back to sleep and then go back to bed. I think I'd be looking for a solution too! And I can understand that co-sleeping isn't for everyone either. I find myself wondering "hmmm should we be 'training' Baby to sleep for longer periods?" When I really think about it though I don't feel like she needs any training. We all sleep well. Isn't that enough? I feel like if Baby needs to nurse all night once in awhile then there is likely a really good reason for that. If she needs to wake up 4 times a night or twice a night, then that is likely the perfect amount of times to wake up. As I said, I know there are unique situations but I wish everyone wasn't so obsessed with trying to get their little ones to sleep so long. I still love that Baby sleeps with us and I'm able to be with her easily if she wakes up. The time is slipping by so quickly and I know this "phase" won't last forever.
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