I have a cold. One of those colds that feels like it is never going to end. I've had a smashing headache for 4 days, a cough that seems to get worse every night and I can't sleep because of the cough so I'm not getting any [much needed] rest. I think I've been sick 3 times already this year. I don't usually get a cold or flu more than once a year. My immune system seems to be a bit shoddy at the moment. C'mon, body. Work with me here.
Wool eggs & chicks |
Other than being sick though, I'm happy to report (a little late) that we had a lovely Easter this year. On the Saturday we went to Stanley Park and went on the
Easter train. The train is super cute and it's a lovely little ride but it was hilarious to see all the little stuffed bunnies sitting with the headstones or beside a scary black cats. Clearly the
Ghost Train ride is a much bigger attraction. But the weather was beautiful and it was very festive and we all had a great time.
On Sunday morning we woke up at the usual time and brought Baby out on the upstairs balcony in her pjs, jacket and shoes. Poor thing was half asleep. S had hidden some little stuffed bunnies she had gotten from a previous show she worked on and we had also bought some felted wool eggs and chicks from a
local mom. Baby played along with us and found everything. She loved the little eggs and chicks. Unfortunately, our cat did too so we had to keep putting them away when Baby wasn't playing with them. They are now safely tucked away for next year.
Sans egg that Baby crushed |
Later in the morning we painted some hard boiled eggs. Baby didn't really get the concept in terms of doing it herself but she liked to watch and was very encouraging as S and I used crayons, nylons and food colouring to create our masterpieces.
After nap time, we packed up the fixings for an amazing Easter dinner and went over to enjoy dinner with some friends (and watch the hockey game!). Dinner was a big success, Baby had lots of fun, and even though the Canucks lost, it was a great day and night.
I'm happy to report that we had a chocolate free Easter celebration (well, Baby did anyway). I had mixed feelings about even celebrating Easter as we are not a Christian family. However, we decided to mark the day as a tribute to Spring and time spent with good food and good people.
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