Monday, December 14, 2009

Just about dodged it...

A cold that is. I have been pretty healthy this entire pregnancy - not a cold nor flu to speak of. I was stuffed up a few times but it never manifested into anything. In fact, I've been quite healthy all year. All that clean livin' I've been doing :P Unfortunately, I started feeling stuffed up and had a headache on Saturday. By early Sunday morning I was full on suffering with a head cold. Blech. My already low energy reserves are completely tapped out. I felt even worse last night and slept terribly. I had to take a sick day from work today which sucked because it's my last week and I need to get some stuff finished up. I'm still feeling pretty bad tonight but am tired and achy from laying down all day. Will see how I feel in the morning before I decide if I'm well enough to go to work or not.

Oh yeah, and I'm still very pregnant in case you were wondering. The baby is moving in large, sweeping movements now and since there isn't much more room in there, it's starting to feel really intense. Still, luckily, no pain. I'm still having braxton hicks contractions every day and have even had some more crampy type short contractions a few times. Maybe baby wants to be a Sagittarian after all? We aren't quite all set up for his/her arrival. We still have a few things to organize before we can blow up the birth pool and test it for leaks. I think we have most of the supplies we need for the home birth though. Still no curtains on the bedroom windows - that will be quite the show if we don't find at least a temporary solution soon huh? I still want to clean out the fridge this week as well. Oh, and we've invited about 30 people to a solstice party next weekend. *sigh* Yes, we're crazy.

1 comment:

Nellie said...

Just checking.. still pregnant?